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joi, 16 septembrie 2010

Different Fading

Hi! Today I have a different fading effect , one that is not done with a sponge, but with clear nail polish.
This is the finished design:

First, I did a french tip with white and with clear polish I dragged the color towards the base of the nail:

After it has dried, I did the same thing with a coral nail polish:

Then, I've cleaned up everything and I did my design .

For any questions .... ask!!!

5 comentarii:

  1. buna buna,

    m-a lovit inspratia si mi-am schimbat numele blogului din bazarblogue in, asa ca daca ma aveai in blogrool te rog sa editezi numele.


  2. I’m your new follower. Really like your blog! Maybe you could check out mine sometime:

  3. Iulia, asta este al doilea tip de fading, despre care iti vorbeam!
