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marți, 25 mai 2010

White & Pink Flower

Hello, my lovelies! I'm sorry for being away for such a long time, I was so busy, I has a baptism and a lot of stuff going on. After all this crazy period I wanted a really clean mani so I came up with this one:

I've applied a base coat and 1 thick coat of a nude color. On my ring finger I started to do a flower on one half of the nail with a flat brush and white nail polish:

Take a red nail polish and do the same thing in the middle of the white:

Add some pink accents and rhinestones and you're done:

Hope you like my design! Have a great week!

7 comentarii:

  1. Si mie! Strasurile alea fac totul :D. Eu o sa-mi fac o manichiura in apa dar joi pt White Party :)) :D. Sper sa-mi si iasa ca am vizionat 20 tutoriale pe utube :O.

  2. as dori sa te intreb ceva, dar nu vad in nicaieri o adresa de mail ceva.

  3. ah, Adresa de mail este

  4. Iulia, daca vrei sa faci manechiura in apa sa fii atenta ca apa sa fie la temeratura camerei, altfel nu va iesi! Spor la treaba!

  5. Asta vroiam sa te intreb care e smecheria :)) pt ca ieri nu a iesit nimic :))
